Pictures From NJQ3, Sept 3-6, 1999

click images to see full size-mouseover for description
Techboy wins HalfLife he won the soundcard! who said he has to miss Xena? PiXie Cyberplant guys-Nect and Pops PiXie shows Mom how to drive in Midtown Madness [R2]Hobbit-surrounded by [CYA] PiXie brought her own fan club El Tigre takes a break from battle [FmFt]Wench-surrounded by [CYA] What are you trying to say, Matrix? Nect salutes his BAWLS [CYA]Beavis shows us his BAWLS [CYA]Hairball, aka [CYA]HairBAWLS Are 5 BAWLS In The Hands Worth More Then... ...One In The Bush(man)? [CYA]Hynman-before BAWLS [CYA]Hynman-after BAWLS JakeQuake shows us his BAWLS Don't Ask! Like I said, DON'T ASK!! the party's over :(

All images on this page courtesy of Mopar and Wench



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